From Legacy to Leading Edge: Theorem and Scalo's Collaborative Journey

In a recent presentation, Dan Tomaseski from Theorem Technologies and Jonatan Cichawa from Scalo offered an exciting preview of their ongoing collaboration to redesign Theorem's core post-trade processing application. This partnership between Theorem's industry expertise and Scalo's development prowess promises to transform how financial professionals handle their daily operations.

Want to dive deeper? Watch the full video interview here.

The Vision: Modernizing a Legacy System

Dan Tomaseski sets the stage for this ambitious project:

"Our legacy platform was very dated. We wanted to reimagine our application and with the help of Scalo, we are implementing a new modern design, hosting it in the public cloud, and redesigning the whole user interface and user experience. Clients are able to configure their specific workflows for what they need."

This vision encapsulates the core of what Theorem and Scalo are striving to achieve - a flexible, modern solution tailored to client needs.

Key Aspects of the Redesign Process:

1. Cloud Migration and UI Overhaul

Theorem's application is evolving from a dated, web form-based system to a sleek, cloud-hosted platform. This shift not only modernizes the interface but also reduces the support footprint.

2. User-Centric Approach

Leveraging Theorem's deep industry knowledge, the team is creating intuitive workflows that cater to diverse financial professionals. As Dan notes, "We handle a lot of different customers... everyone has a specific need for the application that we host for them."

3. Agile Development Strategy

The project showcases the power of adaptive methodologies. Jonathan shares, "We switch to extreme programming paradigm... we try to demo every two to three days instead of every two to three weeks."

4. Streamlined User Experience

Complex, multi-tab processes are being transformed into efficient, single-screen operations. Jonathan explains, "We were able to actually remove a lot of the buttons and inputs for the clients... by working closely with Theorem."

5. Technical Innovation

The development team's focus on creating a flexible codebase allows for seamless pivots during the project. As Jonathan puts it, "Keeping the code clean actually enabled us to make pivots mid-project multiple times."

6. Bridging Old and New

Despite the modernization, the team ensures backward compatibility with legacy systems, demonstrating their commitment to practical, customer-focused solutions.

The Power of Collaboration

What makes this project truly exciting is the synergy between Theorem's industry expertise and Scalo's technical prowess. Jonatan emphasizes the importance of this collaboration:

"The involvement of subject matter experts in the design process helps create those intuitive workflows. That's something that is not really possible if the developers themselves don't have the wealth of experience on how the end users use the product, about the behaviors and patterns in which the users use the app."

This partnership is not only producing a state-of-the-art financial application but also demonstrating how collaboration between industry experts and skilled developers can lead to truly innovative solutions.

Looking Ahead

While the project is still in progress, the potential impact is clear. Dan notes, "The feedback we get from these specific pilot users will judge the success of the redesign. This is still very new."

This ongoing project serves as a blueprint for how established companies can successfully modernize their core products while maintaining the depth of functionality that complex industries demand.

Watch the full presentation to dive deeper into Theorem and Scalo's redesign journey and gain valuable insights that could inspire your next big project.

Are you interested in learning more about how Theorem and Scalo are reshaping financial software? Stay tuned for updates on this exciting collaboration!

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